Terms of Use

 It is our intention to keep you as well informed about tanning as possible. This means informing you how to operate the tanning equipment. The proper procedure to follow in the tanning room will be clearly explained by a member of our staff. Please feel free to ask any questions. 

Please use the cleaning spray and towel to wipe down equipment before and after each use

By booking an appointment with Supreme Tanning Poole, you accept responsibility of the following terms of use:

  1. Ensure you're familiar with the HSE's guidelines for sunbed usage as per your skin type, speak to a member of staff if unsure - https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/misc869.pdf

  2. Under the Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010 for England and Wales, it is an offence to allow people aged 18 years and under to use sunbeds in commercial premises including beauty salons, leisure centres, gyms and hotels.

  3. Wear CE approved goggles/eye wear; never use UV tanning equipment without wearing eye protection. Keep eyes closed and avoid looking directly at the light tubes. Always remove contact lenses. Failure to wear protective eye wear may result in severe burns or long-term injuries to the eyes. 

  4. Please use the cleaning spray and towel to wipe down equipment before and after each use

  5. Do not touch or tamper with the light tubes whilst using the equipment.

  6. AVOID OVEREXPOSURE. As with natural sunlight, overexposure can cause eye and skin injury and allergic reactions. Repeated Overexposure may cause photoaging of the skin, dryness, wrinkling and in some instances skin cancer. We recommend that you do not tan outdoors on days you are tanning indoors, that you do not tan if you currently have a sunburn and that you, at most, tan only once in a 24 hour period. 

  7. Frequent sunbed use could lead to skin conditions such as Cancer, in using Supreme Tanning sunbeds, you do so at your own risk.

  8. CERTAIN MEDICATIONS, Lotions and other Products may cause your skin to be more sensitive to UV Rays. Check the posted list of drugs and products known to increase the photo sensitivity of the skin. Check with your Doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure about any medications you are taking or if you have had a problem with indoor or outdoor tanning in the past. 

  9. Do not follow or proceed sunbeds with any other form of heat treatment (including hot baths, saunas, waxing, use of depilatories OR normal sunbathing).